Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tis the Season

To give something up for Lent.

After much debate, I have decided (thanks to the suggestion of a very dear young man) to give up caffeine, particularly coffee. It is going to be absolutely terrible, and probably way harder than my previous sacrifices (such as soft drinks and iced tea), but I think I can do it. I may be a little grouchy at first, or even sluggish in class, but overall I think it will be good for me. After all, what's the point of giving up something you're really not too attached to? But I can say with fervor, that I am 100% attached to coffee.

Coffee leads men to trifle away their time, scald their chops, and spend their money, all for a little base, black, thick, nasty, bitter, stinking nauseous puddle water.  ~The Women's Petition Against Coffee, 1674
Maybe this quote will help motivate me... a little; however, I have a feeling coffee has changed a little since the 15th century.

Sometimes if you try, you might just find...

"It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Sometimes things happen in our life that don't seem fair. We don't understand why it happened, and try to think back on things we could have done to prevented whatever it is that we are unhappy about. Rather than doing this, I am going to try to heed the above quotation and seek out the light in every situation that I might be bothered by. While I despise the saying "Everything happens for a reason," because I believe it allows some people to be lazy and just assume that anything that happens isn't because of a lack of motive or decision making, I am going to try and come to terms with displeasing incidents and try to make the best out of it, without giving up at the same time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Don't Judge Me

If I could be anyone it would be Natalie Portman, or of course Audrey Hepburn. Last night when I couldn't sleep I found myself spending an insane, and unmentionable, amount of time stalking Natalie Portman on youtube. I know that's creepy, but at least I have friends - like Sam Lee Lam- to share my obsession. If you feel the same way then enjoy:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

N'awlins Y'all

There are only two things: love, all sorts of love, with pretty girls, and the music of New Orleans or Duke Ellington. Everything else ought to go, because everything else is ugly.-Boris Vian
There is nothing I can say about my trip to NOLA (aka the US's very own version of Sodom and Gomorrah) that can't be summed up in these pictures. You can come to your own conclusions. 

Long time, no see.

So... obviously it has been quite a while since I have had the urge to sit and write something. Since Christmas I have:

Watched Auburn win a National Championship.
Prayed for Toomer's Trees.
Applied to law school.
Made new and wonderful friends.
Become more acquainted with the boombox than I had ever thought possible.
Gotten a pen pal.
Become a pro at booty ballet. 
Realized I'm a terrible tutor.
Watched more moves with Allie Moore on rainy days than ever in my life.
Traveled to Jackson, Mississippi.
And New Orleans.
And Knoxville, x2.
Fallen in love... with The Civil Wars!
Finished a 480+ page book that I can hardly take credit for.
Taken a ride on the Ethics "Experience Machine" with Courtney Brannan. Was I plugged in, or was it real?

January literally seemed to take months to go by, but February passed before I really even realized it had began. For a while I was in denial, but the downward spiral towards graduating from college commenced, and now I sporadically find myself close to tears just thinking about it. Just as February passed without so much as a goodbye, college seems to have been the same. I'm probably (normally) the least sentimental person ever, but right now I just want to cuddle up with all of my friends --yes. I just said cuddle-- and just make the most of the few months we have left to be irresponsible, crazy, and yet mature, old seniors at the same time. For someone that doesn't have class on Wednesday or Friday this has been a pretty tame semester, and I would like that to change before the opportunities to go out and not have major responsibilities weighing down on me becomes a distant memory. I know most of us feel stressed now, but we should just embrace the freedom we still have before the real world sets in, rather than worrying prematurely. I know I'm not one to talk on that, seeing that I just bought "Happy Camper" to calm my law school acceptance anxiety, but the more I write the clearer my head becomes. Now I know why I used to blog so much.- Thanks Escar for keeping me on top of my game.